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Test Automation in OutSystems

Test automation is the answer to ensure higher quality and cost reduction for organizations while developing new apps in OutSystems.


Learn how to test your applications up to 5 times faster and reduce drastically the time-to-market by embodying automation in your processes.



10:00 | Welcome

10:05 |  Accelerating Outsystems apps with Test Automation

10:15 | Roundtable | Low-Code Testing Challenges 

10:25 |  Discover ntx™ - See our test automation tool running in OutSystems' applications

10:45 | Q&A

10:55 | Closing


Learn how to automate your app's testing in a few clicks.

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Noesis has been developing test automation continuously over the last 10 years, building alliances with technology partners and ending up creating its own test automation tool - ntx® - Ngine Testing Experience

Test automation leads to efficient quality assurance and happy business users. There will be fewer testing and fix cycles, greatly reducing development effort, and accelerating app delivery. 

With Noesis expertise in test automation, it’s all about going beyond low-code to ensure higher agility.

About ntx® - Ngine Testing Experience

Ntx® - Ngine Testing Experience is a no-code test automation tool developed by Noesis, which allows anyone in the organization to run testing and improve the quality of the software development cycle: Testers, developers, or any other organization's professional staff.

The user only has to press a button for ntx™ to return the OutSystems' object identifier automatically, thus not requiring any technical knowledge about automation and/or programming.


White Paper Test Automation in OutSystems

With a customer-centric approach, Noesis took the next step and developed an unprecedented integration with OutSystems platform: creating a specific algorithm for OutSystems applications that allows the identification of an application object, automatically, in the best possible way, without saving the random identifier. Thus,it is not necessarily imperative to be a technical person to capture the objects.


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Card   Whitepaper   Test Automation In Outsystems

Test automation in OutSystems applications

When you create an application on the OutSystems platform, objects that are created (text boxes, buttons, comboboxes, etc.) can have dynamic identifiers if the Developer doesn't provide a unique property for those objects. This algorithm, specific to Outsystems, verifies that the application is developed in OutSystems, and in this case NTX will obtain the objects by following the rules of the algorithm, allowing their reuse, while drastically reducing the maintenance time of test automation scripts. 
ntx and Outsystems