We carry out our activity with accuracy, transparency, honesty and fairness
Our Values
We promote a transparency culture, where the decisions are made based on objective criteria, where the competence and performance of employees are the main oriented lines. We motivate every team member to speak their minds.
Both through our know-how, and through partnerships, we are aligned with the most innovative offers on the market. We encourage the creative spirit of our talents, welcoming their ideas and working to make them feasible and capable of making a difference in society.
Social responsibility is an integral part of Noesis culture and strategy, as it generates value for the whole community. We promote sustainability initiatives and we encourage our talents to participate in these actions.
Diversity & Inclusion
We believe that increasing diversity and inclusion in our company is beneficial to all parties involved: our talents, our culture of innovation, our clients, and our partners. We encourage our talents always to be one-of-a-kind.
We promote the professional development of our talents, encouraging the sharing of knowledge. To enable our talents to cope with challenging projects, Noesis offers on-the-job training and professional development. We encourage a healthy work-life balance.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Noesis' Code of Ethics and Conduct aims to establish the basic principles we should adhere to as an organization and Group, including all our employees and managers. This code is a firm commitment to ethics, quality, transparency and independence.
Code of Conduct for Preventing and Combating Harassement at Work Article 127 of the Labor Code
The Code of Conduct for Harassment, intends to help understand, prevent, sanction and eliminate Workplace Harassment.
Noesis fosters respect for the person. Each one of us is responsible for fostering a culture of trust that puts people above their personal interests and respects them as human beings. Therefore, Noesis does not accept any form of harassment. We believe in an environment free of discrimination and an inclusive work environment free of any offensive and disrespectful conduct.
Internal Complaint Channel
Shareholders, directors, employees, trainees, volunteers of the Noesis Group who consider themselves targets of harassment, attempted corruption or witnessed any of these situations at work, should file a complaint.
The Partner, supplier, client or any other stakeholder who considers himself/herself a target of harassment, attempted corruption or witnessed any of these situations, should file a complaint.
Noesis Group provides this internal whistleblowing channel, in compliance with article 8 of the General Regime for Prevention of Corruption (RGPC) and under the terms of the General Regime for Protection of Whistleblowers (RGPDI) and article 127 of the Labour Code.
In order to make a correct analysis of the complaint, it is essential that it be presented in detail and objectively, providing a description of the facts, the dates or periods of time covered, the places where they occurred, the persons or entities involved, and other elements considered relevant.
Under the RGPDI, a whistleblower is an individual who reports a breach based on information obtained in the course of their professional activity.
The complaint may be:
- confidential reporting - the confidentiality of the whistleblower is guaranteed and the personal data provided by the whistleblower are processed under the terms stipulated in the RGPDI, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and under the terms of the legal information provided and informed consent;
- anonymous reporting - no personal data is collected from the whistleblower, who submits the report anonymously.
Communications may also be addressed by:
- - Post with the word Confidential to: Centro Empresarial Torres de Lisboa, Torre E 14º piso 1600, 209 Lisboa
- E-mail: Harassment : assedio@noesis.pt // Corruption and related infractions: ethics@noesis.pt