Lights and Technology
27 July 2021

What 2020 Taught Us About Workspaces

Read the opinion article by Ricardo Magalhães, Enterprise Solutions Senior Manager, to IT Insight, on topics such as home-office and Remote Work

After this long period of mandatory work at home, which in 2020 forced companies worldwide to rethink their activities, ways of working, and the organization of their spaces. There are several opinions on how the future of work will be.  
By Ricardo Magalhães, Enterprise Solutions Senior Manager at Noesis 
If, for some, working at home is the positive change needed: no travel, more time for the family, a better balance between work and personal life, for others, home offices represent more challenges, more distractions, feelings of loneliness, isolation, and an inability to disconnect, with an increasingly blurred line between work and personal life. 
Whatever the opinions, it is relatively consensual that the future of work will be more flexible, with a more substantial presence of Remote Work and where technology plays a key role. Remote work or home offices have shown that it is possible to be productive and work from a distance. During this entire period, companies and employees discovered a whole new world of communication tools that helped them in the most basic and daily tasks. 
In this sense, it became a priority to identify how technology can help organizations to modernize their operating processes and, at the same time, streamline the adaptation of employees to remote work. With tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom registering increases over 100% in 2020, technology has never been as relevant today. 
There are already several technologies that allow to set up an efficient remote work environment, more collaborative and capable of increasing the teams' productivity. From collaborative spaces for sharing information, co-editing documents, creating work teams, planning tools, apps that allow you to manage common areas in an office, measure employee productivity rates, automate routine tasks, all of this is within reach. Of organizations, with technology. 
However, it is essential to realize that implementing a remote workspace solution goes far beyond the functionalities we all know, such as a chat or the possibility of having meetings via video call. Teams must benefit from a set of tools that allow creating a centralized and integrated environment for sharing information. It is possible to aggregate organizational processes and workflows so that the feedback loop is faster and more efficient. 
All this without forgetting the issues of infrastructure, access, and information security. Before, security was an issue that was limited to the company. Now the reality is the endpoint. That is, it is directly related to the individual who accesses the company network from any location. The increase in freedom, mobility, and flexibility that telework has brought us consequently represents an increase in responsibility because the individual actions of employees can compromise the data and the functioning of the company. 
In this context, it is crucial to invest in the training of employees. Using these tools is the only way to automate workflows and processes that otherwise would have to create manually. This happens with the bet on out of the box features of several APPs that allow obtaining new solutions capable of generating insights and suggestions on how to improve productivity levels, namely: tools for data analysis, planning, and management of tasks for remote teams, To Do's management, creation of online forms and work habits analysis surveys. 
Therefore, exactly one year after the beginning of the pandemic, we realized that technology is essential, both in society in general, in the lives of individuals, and organizations themselves, as it is through it that we can evolve and transform this crisis into a real one opportunity.
Published (in Portuguese) in IT Insight