"It is not necessary to have a crystal ball to predict that our world - where technology is constantly changing and disruption is the word of honor - will be increasingly shaped by digital natives, those who are naturally predisposed to areas of science, engineering, technology or mathematics, but in a reality in which one seeks to achieve full equality of employment opportunities, the question arises: who are the most predisposed for technology jobs?
Noesis finds a distribution of 71% of men to 29% of women, a representation rate clearly higher than the average of 20% observed in the IT companies market in Portugal. We achieve these values thanks to the implementation of these good practices and by building of an environment of trust, so that all of our talents feel fulfilled, integrated and active in the Noesis culture. For our organization, women's empowerment clearly benefits our development and progression, since encouraging a culture of diversity of thought and inclusion at a broad level is the key to cultivating stronger teams, better ideas and more dynamic performance. "