The “new normal” brought several restrictions to several companies, be they small, medium or large. The gradual ending of confinement implies rules and precautions that we all need to comply with, especially regarding the strict control of commercial spaces occupation and queues management.
Today, space management does not need to be a puzzle and it is possible to optimize the provision of services, maintain productivity and the customer experience.
The new Noesis solution - Virtual Queue Management - allows managing the influx of people in commercial spaces and public services. This solution developed in Microsoft 365 and with storageservice in the Azure cloud, allows you to manage virtual queues and avoid physical queues or agglomerations of customers.
Regardless of the sector of activity, Virtual Queue Management makes the whole experience of visiting the space entirely digital, integrated with mobile devices and without the need for physical contact.
Thus, it is possible to create virtual “passwords”, notify users when it is their turn or schedule visits to a specific place, all from a distance, ensuring that anyone who visits a space can wait in safety. At the same time, store workers can access the same information in real time.
“We believe that all sectors will be able to renew themselves and ensure the way they provide its services, both publicly and privately. But, if there is a possibility that establishments will be able to generate virtual tickets for their customers, in which they will have direct access through their smartphone, as well as a set of information, such as: identifying the total number of customers allowed in the store, request a ticket, find out which ticket number at that moment and which next ... the process becomes much easier and more efficient, avoiding the creation of unnecessary queues ”, explains Rodolfo Luis Pereira, Enterprise Solutions Director at Noesis.