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29 May 2024

CISO Day 2024: A Memorable Event at Green Village!

On May 28, information security professionals nationwide gathered at the spectacular Green Village for the much-anticipated CISO Day 2024.

This edition of the event stood out not only for its stunning location, but also for its enriching content and valuable networking. Here are some highlights from the event:


  • Keynote: The Future of Cybersecurity

Speaker: Dr. Jane Smith, CISO at Tech Innovations

This keynote focused on a comprehensive overview of emerging and future trends in the field of cybersecurity.


  • Panel Discussion: Risk Management in Uncertain Times

Moderator: John Doe, Editor-in-Chief of CyberNews

Participants: Maria Gonzalez (XYZ Corp), Liam Brown (SecureTech), Ellen White (DataSafe)

This discussion focused on best practices and strategies for managing cyber risks in a volatile business environment.


  • Workshop: Implementing Zero Trust in Large Organizations

Instructor: Tom Hanks, InfoGuard Security Specialist

The interactive session focused on implementing Zero Trust policies and their practical implications.


  • Case Study: Real-Time Incident Response

Presenter: Dr. Emily Watson, Head of Incident Response at Secure Response Inc.

This case study reports on an actual cyber incident and the lessons learned in response and mitigation.


  • Tech Talk: AI and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Speaker: Michael Jordan, Director of AI Research at CyberTech Labs

Exploring the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning for threat detection and prevention.


  • Roundtable: The Role of the CISO in the Digital Age

Moderator: Sarah Connor, Independent Security Consultant

This roundtable allowed for debate on how the role of the CISO is evolving and the skills needed to navigate the digital age.


  • Networking: Participants had the opportunity to connect with colleagues and experts, exchange ideas and form strategic partnerships in an environment conducive to collaboration.


Watch the exclusive conversation on CISO TV with Marijn Van Overveld from Noesis and Jan-Joost Bierhoff, Global CISO of The Heineken company, and nominee for the CISO of the Year Award 2024. Watch it here:  CISO of the Year Award special with Jan Joost Bierhoff



Check out some of the highlights of the event: