Our CEO, Alexandre Rosa, was at the Air Force Academy to present a lecture on leadership to all the Air Force Academy students.
The main themes of the presentation were the significant challenges in today's management and the importance of putting people at the center of organizations.
After sharing the story of Noesis and its evolution in the IT market, Alexandre Rosa outlined his vision about the IT sector's future, both in talent retention and attraction.
Currently, the IT sector is very competitive since it is a full-employment sector. Therefore, resources are scarce. Demand far outstrips supply,which brings new challenges to the organizations.
The pandemic brought added challenges to organizations, the future of work, and the management of talents. However, Alexandre Rosa believes that the company's culture will be the key to keeping employees involved and motivated in the organization. "It is necessary to work on new variables in leadership that allows us to create engagement with employees so that they are loyal to the brand, passionate about what they do, and are motivated." At Noesis, there is increasing attention to all these issues, and Alexandre Rosa had the opportunity to share some of Noesis' Employer Branding initiatives with the young students.
"We are witnessing a clear shift in the leadership paradigm. A change that is not new and that has already taken place in recent years, but which was conditioned (or accelerated) by this pandemic," concludes Alexandre Rosa. Leadership should be closer to people. New figures in the Marketing and People Management areas assume more relevant roles in the management of organizations. The Recruitment and Selection Process will be increasingly focused on soft skills.
Alexandre Rosa's participation in the Air Force Academy initiative reinforces Noesis's commitment to approaching the academic community.
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