Noesis was present at the main IT and Digital Transformation event in Portugal - IDC Directions. This year's edition was distinguished from the last 23 editions by the molds in which it occurred. The organization bet on a digital format adapted to the current circumstances.
However, the purpose of conferring on technology was maintained and the event had a promising agenda. About 100 speakers and 50 partners took part, focused on the trends and directions that organizations should lead to keep up with the digital transformations that economy is facing continuously.
In the five days of the event, Noesis participated in two sessions. The first one, on September 29th, was in charge of Noesis Data Analytics & AI Diretor, Luís Gonçalves, who presented Noesis' and Qlik vision about the future of intelligence. The second one, also on September 29th, focused on digital transformation in the industry and included the participation of Noesis' Enterprise Application Integration Director, Gentil Paganella, together with TIBCO's Digital Strategy Director, Alessandro Chimera. The second one, on October 2, addressed the future of healthcare services combined with data analysis and was led by Noesis Data Analytics & AI Director, Luís Gonçalves, together with the Territory Sales Manager of Qlik in Portugal, Fran Rodriguez, and with SPMS Informations Systems Director, Bruno Trigo.
September 29th
The digital transformation requires that organizations align their daily operation flow with the concepts of artificial intelligence. The evolution of Business Intelligence has allowed analytics to be incorporated into the decision-making process of organizations, which in this way are better prepared to predict and respond to the challenges that may arise.
At the firth session of September 29th in which Noesis has participated, Luís Gonçalves, Noesis Data Analytics & AI Director, made a journey into the evolution of business intelligence and presented the various benefits that analytics can have in increasing the productivity of organizations.
In the second session of September 29, Noesis and TIBCO announced solutions for the industry to enhance Cloud Manufacturing and create a resilient, agile ecosystem that allows innovation. The Enterprise Application Integration area was created recently by Noesis with the aim of helping organizations to overcome digital challenges. Despite being recent, it already has several clients in the financial sector and the energies that benefit from TIBCO technology. Noesis is TIBCO's elite partner - the highest status in the partnership program - and it is through this joint work that the necessary support is given to companies in terms of data management, messaging and integration services.
Among the most important points of the second session's day we highlight the following 5 principles to achieve success in the future of the industry as a service:
1. Continuous improvement
2. Consumer first
3. Connectivity
4. Internal and external collaboration
5. Cloud centric
Dicover our Enterprise Application Integration Business Unit
Gentil Paganella presentig "Future of Manufacturing"
October 2nd
Noesis is a company that is characterized by establishing long-term strategic partnerships. The partnership established with Qlik is based on the specialization of services provided to different sectors. Noesis' Data Analytics & AI area has been working together with Qlik to improve the ability to work on the data process, from collecting information to making it available.
In the session on the 2nd October, Noesis and Qlik took this need to work on data for the reality of health service. With the arrival of COVID-19, many health institutions felt the need to use data to make better management and health care service decisions. The solutions presented by Qlik aim to resolve this issue through analytics and the Qlik Sense tool.
Discover our Data Analytics & AI Business Unit
Luís Gonçalves and Fran Rodriguez presenting "Future of HealthCare"
Thus ended another edition of IDC Directions, this year in a different context from the usual, but with a lot of relevant content.